
Newest Project of Freerk Wieringa, Hackerspace Nijmegen, Sandwoman, Manifestations.. being made as we speak!

Thursday September 7th, 2017 - High Tech Presentations, Program
Newest Project of Freerk Wieringa, Hackerspace Nijmegen, Sandwoman, Manifestations.. being made as we speak!

After his very successful contribution at the last edition of Manifestations – an exoskelet which visitors could wear to control a 3m high robot – Freerk Wieringa now focusses on autonomic weapons. Brain controlled robot armies are no longer a fantasy. Nowadays everyone can build robots using off-the-shelf technology. This year the artists works together with Hackerspaces Eindhoven, Arnhem and Nijmegen, Sandwoman and IRS Robotics. Together with Manifestations they build 3 meter high robots, this time not controlled by an exoskelton, but by brainscanners: visitors can control machine gun carrying robots with their brain waves.

In this project Wieringa looks at what’s possible on the area of AI and autonomic weapons, and especially wonders What Could Go Wrong?


APEKS = Autonomous Personal Electrical Killing System.

Inspiration and thanks: Split Brain Robotics – Kal Spelletich & Mitch Altman who couldn’t make it this year.