
Channin – Moment == Memory

Thursday August 24th, 2017 - Young Talent, Program
Channin – Moment == Memory

Nowadays, technology is all around us and provides us with more information than we can process. Consequently, our brain is working overtime and fails to preserve special parts of our memories, like emotions and feelings. Because of this, our memories loose depth. Moment == Memory is designed to improve these memories and make them stronger.

On special moments, people take pictures or make videos to remember. The disadvantage of this is that we interrupt the moment when we use a camera. Moment == Memory is a wearable that starts recording with the help of a camera that is attached to the body. As a result, users can outsource their activity of recording memories to the technology. The wearable contains sensors that read the heartbeat, skin conductivity and the light reflex in your eyes. The camera starts recording when there is out-of-normal value and Moment == Memory will remember everything for the user. Because the trigger is physical, the user doesn’t have to do anything and can experience the moment, making the memory stronger.

After connecting the wearable to the video installation, the memories will be shown on seven screens, presented as one big image. Each memory is presented with a technique that helps to evoke a strong memory. Together, the wearable and video installation make it possible for the user to encounter the moment and experience the memory in the fullest sense.

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