
Robbin Veldman – LEVEL DOWN

Wednesday March 15th, 2017 - Young Talent, Program
Robbin Veldman – LEVEL DOWN

Game addiction is a growing problem among young people.

As a graphic designer, I feel responsible to do something about it. From my own experience, I know that gaming is very entertaining, but it can also drag you out of reality.

My goal with LEVEL DOWN is to create awareness about the causes and consequences of game addiction. Young people from 12 to 15 year olds can hardly be influenced when it comes to game addiction. Therefore it is important to bring this topic early to the surface for discussion, what I do with an interactive animation aimed at 8- and 9- year olds. This animation contains a combination of both my painted illustrations as digital techniques, which refer to the connection between reality and fictional game world.

Robbin graduated this year at ArtEZ Zwolle and is one of the Young Talent nominees.

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