Overzicht Events tijdens Manifestations:
22 Oct 16:30-17:00 hrs.
Young Talent Awards with Jonathan Maas (VPRO), Katja Lucas (DDW) and Iskander Smit (Innovator, ThingsCon).
– Award Ceremony
Manifestations – Will the Future Design Us?
Veemgebouw, floor 9, Eindhoven
+ 2017.manifestations.nl
22 Oct 17:00-18:00 hrs
Meet the Artists
-Meetup, Zwarte Markt van Inzicht en Kennis
Manifestations – Will the Future Design Us?
Veemgebouw, floor 9, Eindhoven
+ 2017.manifestations.nl svp aanmelden via het onderstaande emailadres ivm beperkte capaciteit
25 Oct 14:00-16:00 hrs
Meetup: High Tech Industry meets Artist: Increasing Visibility and Future Thinking
– Meetup
Invite artists to play with or find new purposes of new tech inventions. Artists (who often also studied engineering) invented the Oculus Rift 10 years before it existed, created Smart Highways, Spider-dresses that were world news, let’s mix 2 highly innovative sectors!
Artists are invited to play with the newest HighTech features from Brainport area. See, feel and discuss with the technology makers. With: flexible OLED lighting panels, hybrid/flexible electronics, Light touch Matters, sensor arrays/sensing surfaces, proximity based services for IoT, Holographic displays / 3D, EEG headsets , VR and in-moulded electronics.
Event follow-up program:
– HolstCentre or factory visit for selected artists
– From idea to business session at BOM-Tilburg
– Manufacturing of a few ideas (if possible)
– Next year: demonstration en follow-up during Manifestations 2018
Manifestations – Will the Future Design Us?
Veemgebouw, floor 9, Eindhoven
+ 2017.manifestations.nl svp aanmelden via het onderstaande emailadres ivm beperkte capaciteit
25 Oct: 17:00-18:00 hrs
TECH+FASHION initiation event:
– Meetup
Ronde tafel gesprek over de wijze hoe we de creativiteit uit academische ontwerp opleidingen uit Brabant benutten door verbindingen te maken tussen sectoren.
Voor: artiesten, academie, afnemers, ontwerpbureaus, High Tech Campus, Brainport, etc.
Outcome: go/no go voor een vervolg-event in Maart 2018 op HTCE.
Manifestations – Will the Future Design Us?
Veemgebouw, floor 9, Eindhoven
+ 2017.manifestations.nl svp aanmelden via het onderstaande emailadres ivm beperkte capaciteit
Aanmelden via: viola (apestraarrrt) violavirus.nl