
Internet of Women Things

Maartje Dijkstra – Braindrain, TranSwarm Entities, Surface Distortion, Optic Traces
[:en]Fashion designer Maartje Dijkstra will show 4 of her latest, all manual 3D printed, fashion/technology pieces during the DDW: Braindrain(2016), [...]
[:en]Workshop building a LED-tiara for kids with a helpful parent[:nl]Workshop LED-tiara bouwen, voor kinderen met een behulpzame ouder[:]
[:en]Altijd al een kroon van licht willen hebben? of een regenboog op je hoofd dragen? Met deze LED-tiara op batterijen is dat mogelijk. Zet er eentje in [...]
Sensoree – AWElectric
[:en]Inspired by the phrase, That gave me goosebumps. Did you feel it too? The AWElectric is a duet design that animates the emotionally charged [...]
Sensoree – AWE Goosebumps
In a dialog of art and science, SENSOREE therapeutic biomedia  animates the feeling of awe. Awe is the subtle mix of fear and wonder that gives the chills, [...]
Juul Koene – My name is Ava, I am your personal family doctor
[:en]My name is Ava, I am your personal family doctor” Juul Koene created with her project: “My name is Ava, I am your personal family [...]
[:en]Juul Koene – ASMR Binaural Wellness (whispers which you feel through your body)[:nl]Juul Koene – ASMR Binaural Wellness (fluister tintelingen in je lichaam)[:]
[:en]ASMR Binaural Wellness is based on an internet culture called ASMR, Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. ASMR is an experience characterised by a [...]
Juul Koene, Missy Skae, Merel Raven, Amy Whittle – Conductive Ritual
[:en]Nowadays our daily rituals are constantly interrupted by external influences, specifically by our electronic devices. We are almost always [...]
[:en]Juul Koene- Smell Therapy[:nl]Juul Koene – Smell Therapy[:]
[:en]The combination of smell and an act made me dig into a technique where smell can be divided into degrees of strong and weak scent. For this technique [...]
[:en]Satellite expo – Internet of Women Things, Agi Haines – Transfigurations and others…[:nl]Satellite exhibition – Internet of Women Things – Agi Haines: Transfigurations en anderen..[:]
[:en]The human body consists of practicable elements that can be easily manipulated and engineered. Through surgical procedures our bodies can be [...]
Jasna Rok – “Panamarenko coffee couture” & “Futurism”
[:en]This digital designed dress has an invisible nanotechnology layer on top of the digitally printed fabrics. This makes the textiles super hydrophobic, [...]
Melissa Coleman & Leonie Smelt – Tremor
[:en]Tremor is a dress that responds with an involuntary visual shiver every time a woman dies as the result of an unsafe abortion. The dress is inspired [...]
Poppy – Virtual Hug
[:en]Are you ready for your Virtual Hug? With her satires on your internet behaviour, the music industry and on Hollywood stars, Poppy has a famous YouTube [...]
Neffa – Dynamic Skin
[:en]Use of technology in the fashion industry is, at present, limited predominantly to gadgets and accessories that monitor what the body is doing and [...]
Prof. Loe Feijs (TU/e) & Marina Toeters ( Pied de Pulse
[:en]Massage jacket: Pied de Pulse: Packing Embroidered Circles and Coil Actuators in Pied de Poule (Houndstooth) by Loe Feijs (TU/e) and Marina Toeters [...]
Paula Pin, Mary Maggic, Rian Hammond – Becoming with Schizophyllum Commune
[:en]Xenoestrogen Microdoser: fungal directed evolution device for toxic becomings. Becoming with Schizophyllum Commune is a collaborative project [...]
Mary Maggic – Housewives Making Drugs
What if it were possible to synthesize hormones in the kitchen? Imagine if this was as easy and simple as cooking a meal. “Housewives Making Drugs” is a [...]
Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, MIT Media Lab – Kino: Kinetic, “living” jewelry for dynamic fashion
[:en]Exploring a dynamic future in which the accessories we wear are no longer static, but are instead mobile, living objects on the body. Engineered with [...]
[:en]Is a visionary installation which shows a proposal about how we can modify our body in the future, it’s about becoming the internet version of [...]
Isabel Pfab & Martina Gerosa – Wearable Baby Monitor
[:en]Specially for Internet of Women Things developed Wearable Baby Monitor by Isabel Pfab and Martina Gerosa is an undergarment for pregnant women, which [...]
[:en]Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao & Artem Dementyev – MIT Media Lab – NailO[:nl]Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao & Artem Dementyev. MIT Media Lab – NailO[:]
[:en]Fingernails as an Input Surface NailO is part of Internet of Women Things. Location: Library Eindhoven (video) [icon name=”folder-open” [...]
DuoSkin – Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao, Asta Roseway*, Christian Holz*, Paul Johns*, Andres Calvo, Chris Schmandt. MIT Media Lab in collaboration with Microsoft Research*
[:en]DuoSkin is a fabrication process that enables anyone to create customized functional devices that can be attached directly on their skin. Using gold [...]
Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne – Smell Dating
[:en]Smell Dating is the world’s first smell based dating service. Made in collaboration with Sam Lavigne, it is a participatory project that invites [...]
Veerle Kluijfhout – Domesticat
[:en]Domesticat How do we want the future? Human beings have raised and adapted animals to serve to their favour (domestication); animals are being used as [...]
[:en]Carin: Wearables for women with urine loss [:nl]Carin: Wearables voor vrouwen met urineverlies[:]
[:en]LifeSense is a B2b medtech venture empowering women’s health. Our first product Carin helps mothers combat urine loss after childbirth, menopause and [...]
Marina Toeters – Huggy Care
[:en]Huggy Care is an antibacterial dress as inspiration of future care wear that must become more careful-looking. The knit is made out synthetic yarn. [...]
Marina Toeters, Melissa Bonvie & Margreet de Kok – Closed loop smart atheleisure fashion (WEAR sustain)
[:en]”Closed loop smart athleisure fashion” continuously measures the womans’ key vital signals in a fashionable manner. The laminated sensors [...]
Mohamad Zairi Baharom & Marina Toeters – Cliff • the automatized zipper
[:en]It is our strong believe that fashion, more specifically apparel can support us so much more in our daily life than it currently does. The invention [...]
Marina Toeters – ILJA ASSIMILA SS16: Couture with light systems
[:en]In collaboration with the ILJA team has developed 5 integrated light systems for the couture collection ASSIMILA SS16. This is shown at [...]
Qi Wang & – Zishi Posture Sensing Garment
[:en]Posture monitoring and correction technologies can support prevention and treatment of spinal pain or can help detect and avoid compensatory movements [...]
Stichting SIGN, TU Delft, B11n – iGreen Plant Bag
[:en]The iGreen Plant Bag is a bag pack cleaning the air, focused on children. is een rugtas met planten waarbij een ventilatorsysteem de lucht door een [...]