[:en]My name is Ava, I am your personal family doctor”
Juul Koene created with her project: “My name is Ava, I am your personal family doctor”, the family doctor available 24/7 at home. Ava is an object that has access to Big Data, is able to talk and do physical examinations. With Ava, Juul approaches the arrival of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare from an economic, political and social perspective and wants to make people aware of the technological developments that are taking place now and in the near future. That something like Ava will come is a fact, but do we want it to?
Juul Koene is part of Internet of Women Things and graduated this year at ArtEZ Arnhem, she is part of our Young Talent program.
Location: Library Eindhoven
[icon name=”folder-open” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My name is Ava…
[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] juulkoene.com[:nl]De huisarts van de toekomst voor bij je thuis? Juul Koene creëerde dat met haar project: “My name is Ava, I am your personal family doctor”. Ava is een object dat met Big Data, spraak en lichamelijk onderzoek een diagnose kan stellen. Met Ava benadert Juul de komst van Artificial Intelligence binnen de gezondheidszorg van economisch, politiek en sociaal perspectief en wilt zij mensen bewust maken van de technologische ontwikkelingen die nu en in de nabije toekomst plaats vinden. Dat zoiets als Ava er zal komen is een feit, maar willen wij dat wel?
Juul Koene is part of Internet of Women Things and graduated this year at ArtEZ Arnhem, she is part of our Young Talent program.
Locatie: bibliotheek Eindhoven
[icon name=”folder-open” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] My name is Ava…
[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] juulkoene.com[:]